DJI Inspire 1 Review

We all know about the power of DJI copters in the world of consumer quadcopters and we are going to review one more of those today. DJI Inspire 1 review will tell you everything you need to know about this latest quadcopter from the brand DJI. Before starting the actual DJI Inspire 1 review, you should know that this is a professional level quadcopter. The controller is a bit tough to understand and use for people who never touched quadcopters before, the copter itself is a bit bigger than the regular ones and the overall feel is completely different. Let’s not talk more and get directly into the complete DJI Inspire 1 review. Let’s start.
Features of DJI Inspire 1
The first thing that you will have to understand is that DJI Inspire 1 is not a toy. There are lots of camera quadcopters that are basically toy-like but DJI Inspire 1 is a professional quadcopter that is bought for professional reasons in most cases. Till now, the most selling professional quadcopter was DJI Phantom 3 and there is a strong chance that the inspire 1 will take that title in near future. Let’s have a look at the features of this quadcopter.
When it comes to design, there is no quadcopter now in the whole world that is available for consumers with a better design than this one. The DJI Inspire definitely looks awesome slick and classy but that is not the main part of it. The gimbal is easily removable so that you can transport the copter easily. The carbon fiber will always give you a feel that you are flying something amazing. You have noticed the landing gears of planes, right? They go inside when the plane takes off and almost a similar thing happens here with the legs of DJI Inspire 1. While the machine takes off, the legs go inside to make sure that the 360-degree angle is free for the camera. The legs will never come within the camera frame which is amazing.
The machine is built well and it will last for a long time. DJI kept in mind that people might want to upgrade their quadcopters here and there and there are lots of options to do so.
If you want to know about the measurements then we should tell you that this is a very big quadcopter compared to the other ones in the market. The exact measure is 11.9*17.2*17.8 inches which is pretty big. Though the quadcopter is big in size, the weight is only a bit less than 7 pounds which is cool.
There is no reason that why the camera of DJI Inspire won’t satisfy you. The 4K resolution camera will make sure that each of your snaps are perfect. The camera can shot 4K videos at a frame rate of 24. It can also record 1080p videos at a frame rate of 24-60. You can obviously take still photos with the 12 mega pixel camera. One great feature of this camera is wide angle. The camera covers a big junk of what it sees. The 94 degree angle is superb when it comes to taking a giant photo from above. The 360 degree gimbal will make sure that you do not miss anything. The camera is so stable that you can even take a non-blurry quality image while the quadcopter is doing is a 360 degree flip.
The lens along with the sensors is quite similar to the Phantom 3 camera so there is nothing much to talk about it. The DJI Go control application makes sure that whatever you snap with the camera, it adds value to that. Overall, this is the best camera we have ever seen in a quadcopter.
The company says that when you will hold the controller of DJI Inspire, you will hold the future in your hands. Well, if we think about the difficulty then the company is right. Future techs obviously will be difficult for ‘old generation’. Do not get us wrong. We do not think that the controller is bad. We just think that it could have been a lot easier to use if DJI gave it more importance. We have a feeling that DJI did not want regular mass people to buy and use this product and it wanted to target only professionals. That might be a reason that why the controlling is so different.
Now the controller is powerful. There is no doubt about that. Do not get amused when you see two controllers coming with the box as you will need two different controllers to run the quadcopter. There is the traditional gimbal controlling buttons along with the photo and video capturing options but there are more. You can use the second controller to fly this machine with the help of your friend (or a production guy for example). In this case, one of you will be the pilot who will fly the machine where the other person with a separate controller will take care of the camera and video part. Both the controller will have separate screen so that you both can have a look at what is being captured.
There is a technology used in the controller called lightbridge technology which makes sure that the transmission is smooth and clear. The distance can be up to 2 km between the controllers and the quadcopter, the quadcopter will still run perfectly.
The controller has a HDMI output which you can use to see the live footage in a bigger screen. Obviously, the DJI App is also there to see everything live. The app works perfectly in both IOS and Android.
The controller system is very different than the ones that we see regularly. Let’s see whether people like this or not.
The Pros of DJI Inspire 1
Well, all that you read in our DJI Inspire 1 review till now are the pros. Let’s put it in simple words. It is actually a very good quadcopter to go for. Let’s have a look at some other pros in short:
- Very durable
- Classy body
- Great removable camera
- Intelligent flight mode
- Follow me feature
- Go back home feature
- Great range
- Very good GPS
The Cons of DJI Inspire 1
Now this is the most important part. Our DJI Inspire 1 review is not all about the positives of this quadcopter. We want to make sure that you know about the cons too and this section is reserved for that. Let’s go for it.
- Battery is not up to the mark (Fly time is only 18 minutes and you will need at least two extra batteries to get a good flight time. The company sells an additional powerful battery for this cause so they know the problem)
- Price is very high
- Size is big (not for indoor use or for kids)
We are done with our DJI Inspire 1 review. The final section is a bit tricky to discuss as we generally suggest something in this area. We want to suggest this quadcopter in terms of features and great camera but then again there is the fly time issue along with the price. We leave it up to you. That would be the best